
Leadership That Listens and Serves the People, Not Special Interests

My commitment is to create a Santa Barbara County where every resident can trust that their government is acting in their best interest. We deserve a government that not only acts with transparency and accountability but also genuinely listens to its people. As your representative, I am committed to prioritizing the voices and needs of our community above the demands of special interest groups. My promise is to foster a government that is open, ethical, and dedicated to serving its residents first and foremost. District 1 deserves better than political pandering and insincere promises.

  • Commitment to Public Interest: Our policies and actions will be guided by the community's needs, not by special interests. We pledge to resist any influence that doesn’t serve the greater good of Santa Barbara County.

  • Accountable and Ethical Leadership: I promise to uphold the highest ethical standards. For too long the people of this district have been forced to question the motivations of our elected leaders.

  • Clear, Honest, and Open Communication: Government decisions and processes will be communicated transparently, ensuring everyone is well-informed and involved.

  • Public Information Accessibility: We will make sure that government data and records are easy to access and understand, promoting an informed and engaged community.

  • Active Public Participation: By holding regular community forums and town hall meetings, we will listen to and incorporate your insights and concerns into our policy-making.

Preventing Unsustainable Development

Across District 1, the charm and vitality of our community are deeply intertwined with our beautiful natural environment. As we look towards the future, it is crucial to balance development with sustainability. This is where my commitment lies - in ensuring that our growth is responsible, environmentally conscious, and in harmony with the needs of our community.

Rising to the Challenge

The threat of unsustainable development looms over our community. It risks disrupting our delicate ecosystems, overwhelming our infrastructure, and diminishing the quality of life that we cherish. We face the challenge of managing growth while preserving the natural beauty and character that make our district unique.

  • Community-Centric Planning: Development decisions must be made with and for our community. Transparent, inclusive dialogues are vital in integrating community insights into planning processes.

  • Environmental Stewardship: Prioritizing environmentally responsible developments is non-negotiable. Adherence to regulations that protect our natural assets is paramount.

  • Smart Growth Strategies: We embrace smart growth principles focusing on energy-efficient, mixed-use developments and enhanced public transportation, ensuring new constructions are in harmony with our community.

  • Regular Policy Review: Adapting to changing needs and challenges is crucial. Regularly updating our development policies ensures that our strategies are current and effective.

Infrastructure Improvements

Building a Stronger, More Connected District 1

Our infrastructure is more than just concrete and steel; it's the lifeline of our community. Aging roads, outdated public transportation systems, and insufficient utility networks can hinder our growth and quality of life. Modernizing our infrastructure is crucial for ensuring safety, boosting economic growth, and enhancing the overall well-being of our community. Unfortunately, much of the infrastructure in our county is crumbling. Our county currently has $50 million of deferred maintenance. We struggle with either unaffordable or non-existent broadband internet access. My mission is to spearhead infrastructure developments that not only meet our current needs but also anticipate our future growth and challenges.

In today’s world, digital connectivity is as essential as any utility. It’s about ensuring equal access to information, education, and economic opportunities. Yet, parts of our district, especially rural areas, still face digital disparities. We must bridge this gap to foster a connected, informed, and thriving community.

  • Resilience Against Natural Disasters: Strengthen our infrastructure's resilience against natural disasters, particularly in flood-prone areas and regions at risk of wildfires. Work proactively with state and federal fire agencies to Enhance wildfire preparedness through improved early warning systems, better firebreaks, and increased support for our fire departments as well as promote community-wide fire safety education and preparedness programs.

  • Public Transportation: Invest in expanded and efficient commuter rail by working closely with the business community and neighboring counties to create a robust and efficient public transportation system. This includes improving service frequencies and encouraging usage. 

  • Water and Utility Systems: Modernize our water and utility infrastructure to ensure reliable and sustainable services. This includes streamlined solar permitting and encouraging microgrid infrastructure in cities and our rural communities.

  • Municipal Broadband: Develop a municipal broadband service to provide high-quality, affordable internet access to every household and business. This will ensure that all residents can access reliable and fast internet regardless of economic status.

Economic Development

Fostering a Thriving, Diverse Economy in Santa Barbara County

In Santa Barbara County, we are blessed with a wealth of natural beauty and a strong community spirit. However, there's a growing need to invigorate our economic landscape. Our county has been woefully behind. Unlike many counties in California, we do not have an economic development department. As your representative, I am committed to driving economic development that is sustainable, inclusive, and beneficial for all residents.

Identifying Our Economic Potential

Despite the absence of a formal economic development department in our county, we possess immense untapped potential. From our vibrant agricultural sector to burgeoning tech and tourism industries, there is a wealth of opportunity waiting to be harnessed.

  • Create an Economic Development Department: Small businesses are the backbone of our local economy, but we have not done a good enough job of fostering or supporting our local business community. We will create initiatives to provide them with the resources, training, and support they need to thrive, including easier access to financing and business development services.

  • Tourism Enhancement: Capitalizing on our region's natural beauty and cultural heritage, we'll work to enhance our tourism industry, promoting sustainable tourism that benefits local businesses and respects our environment.

  • Agricultural Innovation: Strengthening our agricultural sector through innovative practices and technologies will ensure sustainable growth and global competitiveness.

  • Attracting Diverse Industries: Encourage the growth of diverse industries, including clean energy, technology, and creative sectors, to provide a variety of employment opportunities and economic stability.

  • Workforce Development: Partner with educational institutions and trade organizations to ensure that our workforce is skilled and prepared for the jobs of tomorrow.

  • Collaboration and Partnerships: Foster collaborations between public, private, and non-profit sectors to drive economic development initiatives.

Sensible Cannabis Regulations

Balancing Safety, Health, Economic Opportunities, and Community Well-being

As your District 1 Supervisor, I am dedicated to developing sensible cannabis regulations in Santa Barbara County. This complex issue requires balancing public safety, health concerns, economic opportunities, and the impact on our community's quality of life.

  • Advanced Odor Control Measures: Recognizing the impact of cannabis cultivation on our community’s environment, we will mandate the installation of state-of-the-art odor prevention technology. Additionally, we'll implement stringent odor enforcement protocols to ensure that cultivation facilities do not negatively impact the quality of life in nearby communities.

  • Effective Enforcement: I know that the current odor enforcement protocols have fallen short. I know that we can do better. We must create reporting systems that allow the county to hold bad actors accountable. We will engage with community members, industry experts, and law enforcement to ensure that regulations and enforcement meet the needs of our community.

  • Ongoing Review and Adaptation: The cannabis industry is evolving rapidly. Our regulations will be subject to regular review and updates to adapt to new challenges and opportunities, ensuring that our policies remain effective and relevant.

Creating Affordable Housing Solutions

Addressing the Housing Needs of Santa Barbara's Middle Class

In Santa Barbara County, the dream of owning a home is increasingly out of reach for many, particularly for our valued middle-class residents and workforce. As your representative, I am committed to developing innovative, targeted solutions to make affordable housing not just a concept but a reality for our community.

  • Targeted Workforce Housing: We need to channel more funds into creating housing specifically for our workforce. By building affordable homes close to employment centers, we can reduce commute times, enhance the quality of life, and support our local economy. I will work with employers  

  • Expanding Homeownership Opportunities: I aim to introduce creative programs that help more middle-class families in Santa Barbara County own their homes. This includes partnering with local developers, financial institutions, and non-profit organizations to offer favorable financing options and down-payment assistance.

  • Strengthening the Housing Authority's Role: The Housing Authority of Santa Barbara has been instrumental in addressing housing needs. I plan to advocate for increased funding and support for the Housing Authority, enabling it to expand its reach and effectiveness.

  • Utilizing Unused Properties and Infill: We will explore the potential of underutilized properties for affordable housing development. This includes working with local governments and private landowners to identify suitable sites. We will encourage infill projects rather than new development to help meet our housing needs.

  • Streamlining Planning and Development Processes: Reducing bureaucracy and streamlining the approval process for affordable housing projects can accelerate development and reduce costs. We’ll work towards making these processes more efficient while maintaining high-quality standards.